Healing and Re-Igniting what has been Colonized out of us.

Solo Exhibits:

Borders Books, Music and Café, Fremont:  July – December, 2003

John F. Kennedy University, Master of Fine Arts, “Graduate Exhibit – Standing Still”:  July, 2002

Group Exhibits:

Island Alliance of the Arts, “Cross Currents”:  2011-13

California Institute of Integral Studies, “Sources of Empowerment:  Women as Symbol”:  September – October, 2003

ENSO Gallery, “Visible Prayer”:  June, 2003

Olive Hyde Art Guild, “Members Show”:  Spring, 2003, 2013

Olive Hyde Art Guild, “Hidden Treasures, Local Talent”:  Fall, 2002

John F. Kennedy University, “Graduate Show”:  June, 2002

John F. Kennedy University, “2 x 2”:  January, 2002:

John F. Kennedy University, “The Awakening Project”:  Fall, 2001

Olive Hyde Art Guild, “Members Show”, Best of Show, Silver:  Spring, 2001

John F. Kennedy University, “2 x 2”:  January, 2001


School of the Origins, Mariabruna Sirabella:  2017-19

SoulCollage Facilitator Training, Mariabruna Sirabella:  April, 2013

Indigenous Mind Program, Dr. Apela Colorado (Wisdom University) and Dr. Kimmy Johnson (John F. Kennedy University):  2005-2010

Master of Fine Art (Studio Arts), John F. Kennedy University: 2003

Bachelor of Art (Painting), San Jose State University: 1980